The church is governed by officers, given to us by Christ and recognized and elected by the congregation. The PCA recognized two offices contained in the Bible which continue with us in the present day: the Elder and the Deacon. Elders are divided into two orders, Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders. Teaching Elders are commonly referred to as pastors.
Dennis Bullock
Senior Pastor
Pastor Dennis Bullock was born in Richmond, Virginia. In 1991 he married his lovely wife Katharine. The Lord has blessed them with five children: Justin, Christopher, Stephen, Jacob, and Anna. After graduating from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson Mississippi in 2003, Pastor Bullock returned to Richmond to become the Associate Pastor at All Saints. He served in that capacity until 2007, at which time he was called to serve as the senior minister, after the founding pastor, Dr. Howard Griffith, received a call to teach at Reformed Theological Seminary. Pastor Bullock loves to read and discuss theology. During his free time, he enjoys being with his family and participating in and watching various types of sports.
Matt Fender
Matt Fender has been married to Rebecca since 2000, and he lives in Richmond with her and their three children. He makes a living as a lawyer in private practice, and in his spare time he enjoys hunting and fishing.
Rick Hutton
Church Administrator & Session Clerk
Rick Hutton is married to Kathy, and they have four grown children. Rick has been a member since the founding of the church and became a ruling elder in 1997. He spent his career in Computer Programming, mostly on accounting systems. In 2016, the church hired Rick as their full time Church Administrator. Rick has an MDiv from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, and loves to teach the book of Genesis, anything related to the church, and the inquirers class. Rick is also licensed to preach by the presbytery and so fills pulpits around the area when ministers are on vacation.
Bill Ivey
Bill Ivey has been married to Jane since 1985 and has three grown children. He has been a ruling elder at All Saints since 1989. He has taught fourth, fifth and middle school Sunday school for over twenty years. Bill has been self employed as a furniture conservator/furniture maker since 1978 and enjoys hunting and being outdoors. ​
Wes Jones
Wes Jones is married to Emily, and they have four children. They have been members of All Saints since 2011, and Wes became a deacon in 2014, and an elder in 2023. He lives with his family in Ginter Park, works in manufacturing, and enjoys fishing, gardening, and being outdoors.
Al Yancey
Al Yancey has been an elder at All Saints since 1986 and taught adult Sunday School as well as the 4th and 5th grade class for over 20 years. He has been married to Sue for over almost 35 years and they have four grown children.
Nels Yehnert
Nels Yehnert grew up in the Pittsburgh, PA area, graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Information Sciences and Technology, and moved to Richmond in 2012. Nels is married to Rebecca, and they have two children. He currently works as an IT Auditor with a focus in data analytics. He has attended All Saints since 2015 and was elected as a ruling elder in 2018. Nels has taught adult Sunday school classes on Leviticus and various chapters from the Westminster Confession of Faith and has assisted with the high school and 4th/5th grade Sunday school classes. He and his wife currently lead the high school youth group and Bible study. Nels is also a professional and competitive bagpiper, and occasionally volunteers with the All Saints orchestral ensemble.
Turner Cole
Turner Cole is a “city slicker” who enjoys walking to church on Sunday mornings. He has attended All Saints since he moved to Richmond from Washington, DC in 2013. (Despite the rumors he is not a retired Special Agent). Turner became a member in 2014, was ordained as a deacon in 2016, and serves as the church’s treasurer.

Matthew Hannegan
Matthew was born in Richmond and grew up in Concord, North Carolina where he was converted and became a member of Providence Presbyterian church. He has one son. He is currently a commercial painter for New Dominion Painting. He loves reading books about theology and the Bible as well as listening to podcasts and sermons.

Jonathan Kennedy, Jr.
Jonathan Kennedy Jr., a Richmond native, married Katie in 2004 and they have three children. They joined All Saints in 2020 and Jonathan was ordained as a deacon in 2021. Jonathan is the founder of Endeavor Capital, a financial planning firm, and Strengthening Endeavors, a leadership development firm. For fun Jonathan enjoys time with his family, traveling, the outdoors and encouraging men in the faith.
Robert Michaux
Robert Michaux is married to Sharon, and they have two children, Ava and Eletta. The Michaux family became members at All Saints when Ava made her profession of faith in 2013. Sharon and Robert were pleased to see Eletta make her own profession of faith in 2018, the same year Robert was elected to the office of Deacon. Both Sharon and Robert are active with the youth group and enjoy serving All Saints as Sunday School teachers. Robert is an attorney in Richmond and focuses his practice on complex civil litigation and intellectual property matters. When he is not serving his clients in court or at the office, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends, small group meetings, and hunting. Robert also serves on the board of the East End Pregnancy Center.