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At All Saints, worshipping together on the Lord’s Day is the heart of our life together as a church. We gather each Sunday to worship God in a manner that is reverent and joyful, consistent with the Bible and with the historic reformed faith. You can expect to hear scripture read, to join together with the congregation in prayer, to hear a sermon where the scriptures are expounded and the Gospel proclaimed, and for the sacraments to be observed. Our Sunday morning worship starts at 10:45 am and typically lasts about an hour and a half.  


This week’s Order of Worship is available online.


The highlight of our worship service is the sermon, where the preacher speaks for 30-40 minutes expounding a passage from the Bible and providing exhortation and encouragement to the congregation. On most Sundays, the sermon is given by our senior pastor, Dennis Bullock, but occasionally, the sermon may be given by one of our ruling elders, our pastoral intern, or a visiting pastor. Past sermons and adult Sunday School lessons are available here or on


Prayer is essential to worship; therefore we pray frequently during worship. The pastor leading the service will open with prayer following the call to worship. We will confess our sins, both in a shared corporate prayer and privately. One of the elders will also lead the congregation in a corporate pastoral prayer, where we seek intercession from God for the sick, the persecuted, and those otherwise in need.


We observe the Lord’s Supper each Sunday morning, and the table is open to all those who are members in good standing of a church where the gospel is faithfully proclaimed. If you are new to following Jesus and are not yet a member of a church, you should refrain from taking the Supper. Instead, please come and talk with one of our elders. We would be delighted to talk with you about the Christian faith. We also observe the sacrament of baptism regularly, applying this initiatory rite to the infant children of believing parents and to unbaptized adults who are becoming members of the church.


We usually sing a combination of hymns from the Trinity Hymnal and psalms from a variety of sources. Most of our singing is accompanied by a piano, although sometime the piano will drop out, so we can sing one verse a cappella.


A nursery is offered during worship for children up to three years old. We are pleased to care for little ones, but many members elect to keep their young children with them as well.

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